Flat Bread with Egg, Hummus and Yogurt

Cooking is an adventure, you never know what you will run into.

I made Pasta dough with egg, hummus and plain yogurt for pasta, but I left the dough in the bread maker for quite a few hours, and I found out the dough rises! Then I realized I can make flat bread out it.

This is a perfect breakfast option, great for parties and awesome choice for work lunch.
For more fun cooking ideas, see Recipes by Category. We also have lots of fun vegetarian dishes. If you like to see the recipes in other languages, feel free to look at how to use google translate in this blog.

Preparation Time: 20 minutes to prepare the dough and hours rising time
Cooking Time: 8 minutes each flat bread

Cooking Steps
1. Pasta dough with egg, hummus and plain yogurt
2. Get tennis ball size dough, sprinkle flour, roll it into a flat round shape.

3. Get a pan, sprinkle oil, place the flat bread, cover and use medium heat to cook for 3-4 minutes.

4. Flip the bread, cover the pan and cook for another 3-4 minutes.


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