Spicy Tilapia Whole Fish with Worcester Sauce(辣味红烧非洲鲫鱼)

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辣味红烧非洲鲫鱼 (La Wei Hong Shao Fei Zhou Ji Yu)

I have been obsessed with Worcester sauce recently. Whenever I make traditional Chinese pork or beef stew,  I tend to add a small portion of Worcester sauce. Its mild sour taste and special aroma blend so well with the meat. And my experiment with this magic sauce extends to this simple yet tasty tilapia whole fish dish.

For more fun cooking ideas, see Recipes by Category.

  • 1 tilapia whole fish (available in most grocery stores, gutted and cleaned)
  • 2 tablespoon canola oil
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 teaspoon Worcester sauce
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 Thai red chili
  • A few slices of ginger
  • 1 green onion (why buy from store? grow your own green onion)
Preparation Time:  5 minutes
Cooking Time:  15 minutes
Servings: 2

Cooking Steps
1. Get one tilapia whole fish, usually available from grocery stores cleaned and gutted. Each fish weighs typically around 1 lb. Marinate with 1-2% salt overnight for best result, the salt will make the meat tender and tasty. Adjust the salt portion based on your taste, if you prefer more salty flavor, use 2%.
2. Rinse off the salt from fish under running water, rinse clean the inside of the fish as well.
3. Get a non sticky wok, use medium heat to evaporate any water, add 2 tablespoon canola oil, place a few slices of ginger in the oil, place the fish onto the ginger slices.
4. Cover the wok, let the fish pan fry for about 5 minutes or until the bottom has turned light golden brown.
5. Flip the fish, cover the wok to pan fry the other side for about 5 minutes.
6. Add 2 chopped garlic cloves, 1 coarse chopped green onion, 1 chopped Thai red chili, let them pan fry for 1 minute to have the aroma come out.
7. Add 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 teaspoon Worcester sauce, stir evenly the sauces, cover the wok, simmer for 5 minutes. Flip a couple of times to let both sides of the fish in touch with the sauce.

Tip: Worcester sauce has vinegar in it, a small portion is enough, otherwise, the overall flavor will become too sour. Adding sugar will balance its sour taste.



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