Spicy Beef Salad Using Roast Beef (凉拌麻辣牛肉)

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凉拌麻辣牛肉 (Liang Ban Ma La Niu Rou)

Spicy beef salad is a very popular Si Chuan style dish, the spiciness will sure bring the appetite out of you. Traditionally, the beef is boiled for long time to make it tender. In this recipe, I used western style roast beef, which is so easy to make, and the resulting beef is si tender, perfect for salad dish.

For more fun cooking ideas, see Recipes by Category.

Preparation Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 60 minutes
Servings: 4

Cooking Steps

1. Follow the steps in beef chuck roast.
2. Let the roast beef cool down, cut 1/3 lb.of the meat.
2. Get a medium bowl, add the following ingredients:
    1 tablespoon soy sauce
    1/4 teaspoon Si Chuan pepper powder
    2 tablespoon chili oil,
    1 tablespoon sesame seeds
    1 fine chopped green onion
     A few drops sesame oil

3. Mix all ingredients together.


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