5 Minutes Hassle Free Microwaved Chili Oil (五分钟微波炉自制辣椒油)

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五分钟微波炉自制辣椒油 (Wu Fen Zhong Wei Bo Lu Zi Zhi La Jiao You)

Chili oil is my favorite condiment for many types of noodle soups, especially the wonton soup. The simple spicy flavor is a perfect company to soups that are going to warm you soul in cold and wet days. You can make the chili oil easily at home, this recipe onle takes 5 minutes and saves you the hassle of cleaning any pots and pans.

Recipes by Category.

Preparation Time: 2 minutes
Cooking Time: 1  minute

Cooking Steps
1. Get a clean and dry glass container (you can reuse pickle container, jam container).
2. Place 2 tablespoon chili powder to the jar, add 1/2 cup of canola oil,  use chopstick or spoon to mix the oil and the chili powder evenly.
3. Use microwave high power to cook 1-2 minutes or until the oil is bubbling.

Tip: Microwaves have different powers, so cook 30 seconds in multiple times, watch if the oil bubbles, if so, then no need to cook more.



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